Saturday, 20 January 2007

West Sussex Angel Knitters

Today met up with a group of lovely fellows knitters in Lewes for a spot of lunch and a chin wag...there were 10 of us and this has been the 2nd meet. We all brought books to drool over and WIPs to view and a lovely couple of hours was had by all. Oh of course the eats were nice too.

It was funny were were all sitting there and I had to look at the waitresses as a couple of them did seem to be rather bemused by us all but it made them smile, perhaps we should have got our needles out, maybe next time wherever we are.


Purplegem said...

Was great to meet you! I noticed we were getting some odd looks and grins, but do we care! Heck naahh! Look forward to the next meet :)

Linda said...

It was lovely to meet you. Thank you so much for the notebook!