Wednesday, 10 January 2007


Honestly, I have just been weeing myself with laughter, well you see finished my bag last night, all sewn up ready to felt today......heres a before piccy, colour still ????? sorry about toes of slippers in way...Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Anyway, put in machine, da da da de de (yes I sing whilst I work) machine do necessarys etc etc......take said bag out with eager anticipation regarding this knitted work of craft that me, myself and I have created, urghhh!!!!I am nearly weeing myself with laughter well surely there is felting and there is felting and know am very very new to this lark BUT a childs bag. So I wring it out as per instructions and I have pulled and pulled and pushed and pushed till I got it to about 10" x 9" X 3"
then thinks oh yes lets go and look in the Pursenality Plus book, guess what, thats virtually the size they say........dances around hooray I did it. Problem being the colour now even looks more like sick as my friend said!!!!! lol....will post a piccy when bag dry. There is now another problem still got 4 balls of the darn wool left...oh drats!!

1 comment:

Catknit said...

Oh the joys of felting!!!
you could always sew on some bright buttons or something to detract from the main colour......
lol at the sicky description