Wednesday, 3 January 2007


Well hey all, thought would put a couple of WIPs here, fraid not very exciting...2 scarfs and one hat. Eddy the teddy after much persuasion (with loads of honey!!!) sat and modelled the scarf and hat for me....hopefully these will become this years......(oh yes sad as it may seem have started all ready... won't say the words as its only Jan 3rd but that thingy that happens at year end)...SIL pressie to name but a few, see he's a fishing fanatic so will be making fingerless gloves as well. As for the feather and fan scarf, who knows where that will end up just making it, originally brought the yarn to make socks.....the colour shall we say is rather to put it mildly interesting and believe me am being polite. I secretly expect whomever receives it...well the poor scarfs destiny will be hiding on the floor of a wardrobe somewhere, unloved, unwanted, when it could have had such a prefect life keeping somebody warm and cosy through the long cold winter months. Anyway have now got to work out how to download the piccys, not that brill at it, so you mighPhotobucket - Video and Image Hostingt see nothing, here goes.

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