1.Are you religious?
Religious to the effect that I like to think there is something there...but I don't attend church (except on the 3 occasions)..I think that ones beliefs etc are within ones soul. But then again the older I get the more I think.
2.How long have you been kitting? Would you consider yourself a Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced?
Oh have been knitting since my Mum taught me at 13 years old...coming up 40 years odd..but have had big breaks in betweeen. Erm I suppose I consider myself a intermediate leaning towards advanced..only because in the last couple of years I have started to venture towards different aspects of the craft.
3.Do you have any other hobbies besides knitting?
Not that I do much now, I suppose they go with the arty/crafty umbrella..watercolour/pastels.....cross stitch/tapestry....sugarcraft but as I put haven't done any for a few years now.
4 Favorite color(s)?
Oh colours that suit me..used to love red but now find the colour is too harsh for me...so tend to stick to beiges/caramels/creams/off whites. But favourite colours I suppose are turquoises and autumnal colours.
5.Do you collect anything?
Oh thats an easy one "No.
6. Are you allergic to any fibers or animals?
Another easy one "No.
7..Do you have any pets?
Oh yes have a gorgeous blenheim (white/tan) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel called
Megan who is 6 years old...she is a real poppet.
8. Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?
Oh all three but more tea then coffee..the occasional chocolate.
9.Cookies or Sweets?
Oh scrumptious oat cookies with raisins/sultanas/cranberries...yummy.
10. Do you knit socks?
Esqueeze me....do pigs fly...oh course....da da.
If not socks then what? (tell us about your favorite knits)
11.Do you put up a Christmas tree? If not then what do you do?
Oh definitely yes.
12.Favorite holiday treats?
Mince pies and special chocolates.
13.Favorite holiday smells?
Oh got to be a real Christmas tree and yankee candle Christmas votives.
14.Do you celebrate Christmas in a traditional or unconventional way? Please elaborate.
Definitely traditional....with all the trimmings. Still carry on the way my Mum and Dad did things with us. We always wait until washed and dressed before pressie opening time...then its me off to the kitchen with hubby by my side. I think for me though Christmas is the build up...the buying of pressies, getting the house ready. I seem always to get very choked up...it always brings back cherished memories of my own childhood and how quickly time flies....also never forget what the meaning of Christmas is about...thats important.
15.What are your favorite holiday traditions?
Having roast turkey sandwiches for supper, even though your still stuffed from dinner.
16.Finish the sentence: “For me Christmas is all about....”
family and being together in the spirit and joy of the season.
17.If you were a Christmas ornament you would be…….?
A big round red sparkly Christmas ball hanging on the tree.
18.What was your favorite gift you've ever received? Or given?
Oh now thats a difficult one...gift received well erm...my grown up children always ask me what I would like. So generally cooking books.
19. When do you start your Christmas?
When the Christmas tree goes up.
20.Do you send Christmas cards? Do you make them or buy them?
Yes I send cards and I buy them.
21.What is your favorite Christmas dish?
22.Carolers are at your door. What do you do?
I generally open the door and listen to them singing for a while...sometimes ask if they're collecting for any charity.I then thank them and give them some money. Saying that cannot remember last time we had them around here.
23. When do you open presents? Christmas eve or Christmas morning?
Christmas morning.
24. Do you celebrate with family or friends or both?
Just family.
Well thats my questions done....this is great fun and soooooo exciting, really look forward to getting my swap pal. Take care...Teresa xxx