Wednesday, 7 February 2007


Got any snow yet, supposed to get 5" tonight, should be fun. So hows the world with everybody in blogland, good I hope.

So heres the dishcloths did whilst away, easy on the mind, quick to do and great fun, lovely for inbetweenprojects. Knitted in Garnia Paris, yoPhotobucket - Video and Image Hostingu should get 2 cloths out of one ball.

Also, have started the socks from Knit Today freebie sock book, doing them in Poshyarns sock yarn on 2.5 circs, pattern is really nice and so good thus far.

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1 comment:

Caroline said...

We won't have any snow this year it looks like here. It was 70 degrees F yesterday. I could do with a little snow though...for a day or two. Did you make up the pattern on your dishcloths? So CUTE!