Friday, 9 February 2007

Stitch show

Went to Brighton this morning to the Stitch and Craft fair, it was ok'ish, plenty for card makers and cross stitchers, in fact I would say about 60% of the stalls were aimed at the home card maker, there were only 4 stalls for hoo. But saying that there were some lovely pieces of work on the cross stitch stalls, particularly was a beautiful one of man and baby done in greys and blacks, I had to go and touch it to make sure that it wasn't a photograph.
But more excitingly came home and have found a Spinner and Weavers guild to go to and I chuffed??????? birds sing. Spoke to a lovely lady and they have a meeting next Saturday where they are talking about drop spinning with silk and she said I can be hands on etc and she is going to bring her Lendrum spinning wheel for me to have a go on, will feel a bit shy first off but she had a lovely chat with me on the phone and because she is so in love with her craft her enthusiasm really rubbed off on heres hoping. I can see that I think this is going to start to cost oodles of dosh before long...think I better starting saving my pennies, as the wheel that I was going to buy, she told me to forget it as I would be wasting my money. The one that she has recommended, (as apparently through all her years of spinning she has tried most of them) will cost me £70 more... eeek, but apparently once you buy it you will not need anything else as you can buy add ons.
Isn't it strange that such a simple craft as knitting from the raw yarn to the item can bring such satisfaction.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on beginning a new love. And it's great that you have someone you can get advice from. I love spinning, too, in theory. It's quite relaxing and rhythmic. But, I can't quite seem to make time to do it, what with knitting and weaving (which I don't seem to have time for either!). Sigh. Anyway, all the best to you!

Knittings Nice! said...

Thank you Cheryl, early days yet.. am a tad worried that once I get into it...the knitting time will go, but slowly does it am not going to rush.....always read your blog for inspiration and the beautiful photographs you put on. Kind regards Teresa.