Monday, 5 March 2007

Folk Mittens.

Done...finito...quite pleased with them...from the book Folk Mittens. Pattern comes from an area of Sweden a heavily forest Halland area where the loggers in the nineteenth century wore jerseys with this pattern. The sweaters were tightly knit and the body patterned with small diagonals and a framed border. The wearers initials and the date the sweater was made were often knit into the cuff or sweater body (hence the space on the mitten cuff). The sweater would orginally been made of black and white wool, then felted to size and overdyed red.
These mittens incorporate the traditional patterns of Hallands lumberjack jerseys.

I enjoyed knitting these and am pleased as this is the first pair that I have knitted...and by no means the last. Very enjoyable...mind you had to read the pattern instructions through a few times to understand thumb placement. A great book for the Knitting Library. I want to purchase Folk Socks next...(now therein lies a problem) eeeekkkkkk.....SOCKS! NOT GOOD FOR A SOCK ADDICT. hehe!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty! And congrats on your spinning wheel delivery. May many happy yarns come from it....