Tuesday, 6 January 2009

My New Year baking sort out.

I've been a really good girl and actually have carried out what I said I was going to do in the New Year in a previous post.....woohoo!!! am I chuffed or what, finally got my flours/sugars/dried fruits all together in one place for baking. No more going to my larder and sorting through turned over bag tops and then the flour dust flitting all over the place...they all have homes...I know I know it might be sad to some but for me...its wonderful. Mind you I do have Nigella Lawson aka The Domestic Goddess to thank for this, after watching all her programmes where she has everything to hand and in reach. SO DO I....am starting to feel like a real cook now.
Anyway let me tell you about my new area....there was a blank area beside the door to the garage, it had been bugging me for ages, when we redid the kitchen I decided not to have any units there and subsequently it became a dead space. But now...lookee lookee looke....can you tell I'M EXCITED. Anyways purchased one lovely trolley that has two wheels so can be moved around complete with stainless steel shelves and a blockwood top. Then a trip to Ikea was called for of course...us girlies when we do it...do it right....I purchased glass containers etc and the wonderful unit underneath the shelves plus the stainless steel shelves. First off I put all my sugars in the wooden container with glass partitioning.....but alas they are not airtight within reason and the sugar hardened...duh!!! silly me. So now it holds the dried fruit. First shelf has my bread making flours...2nd shelf sugars...3rd shelf baking flour (are you bored yet!!!! hehehe) and then the boxes hold the dried fruit....ain't Ikea wonderful? Oh of course had to have a bit of kitch to break the modernity up....a lovely little hen and chicks era 1920's.

Then decided needed nice new mixer...well I originally wanted a Kitchenaid Mixer but the prices here in the U.K £350 EEEEKKKKK!!....looked on US websites a lot cheaper but postage costs put paid to that. So went and perused Amazon and read some wonderful reviews on this little beauty...KEWOOD PATISSIER....I love it.http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h_?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=kenwood+patissier&x=12&y=22 The shape is wonderful and and price even better
£97 smackeroonies (theres slang for you)...I think its now gone up a bit to £133.00 but ne'er the less, very well pleased. I think they come in red as well. So I now have everything to hand when baking....wonderful...all for now....xx


Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Wow! I'm impressed! You are soooo organized! And it looks great, too! What else could you ask for?? God job!...Debbie

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What a wonderful baking center! I'll bet you're glad you left that space empty. Brilliant idea to turn it into a baking center. laurie

Caroline said...

Ooh! You make me want to bake something. I love your new mixer, and I don't blame you for forgetting about the Kitchen Aid. It sounds like it's almost twice as much in Britain.